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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Article sent


Once the work is uploaded to our system, the manuscript will be reviewed in order to comply with the requirements established in our editorial policies. It will then be assigned a responsible editor who will determine if it should be rejected or sent to a reviewer.

Review - Double blind

In the event that the work is of interest to our journal, it will be submitted to an anonymous peer review.

The process will depend on the type of work:

  • Original manuscripts: They are sent to two reviewers anonymously. In case of controversy between them, the opinion of a third reviewer is requested or, finally, the Editorial Committee and the Editor-in-Chief make the corresponding decision.
  • Cases or series of cases and images of the number: Their evaluation depends on an expert, who evaluates the quality of the images, videos, the presentation of the case and the respective diagnosis.
  • Letters to the editor: They are reviewed by the Editorial Committee and are sent to the author of the original work so that he issues his response.
  • Special articles, editorials, reviews and evidence: Their evaluation, review and approval will be governed by all members of the Editorial Committee.

The comments are supervised by the Editorial Committee and the reviewers may make the following decisions: accept the submission, publish with modifications, resubmit for review or reject the submission. Depending on the case, a second round may be held.


If the paper was accepted with modifications, the authors will receive a notification with the reviewers' observations and must return the modified manuscript within four weeks. Changes should be marked in a different color or underlined in the new version. Your resubmission must be accompanied by a letter explaining the modifications and detailing those that could not be made.

Once the new version of the manuscript is received, the Editorial Committee will evaluate it and proceed to make the final decision.

Fast review for manuscripts rejected by high-impact journals

The possibility of a rapid review is offered for manuscripts that have been previously rejected by cutting-edge and impact research journals. Authors who choose this option must submit, along with the manuscript, the comments of the reviewers of the previous journal.

When submitting your manuscript, you will need to attach a request for expedited review. However, the implementation of this process will only be determined by the Editorial Committee.

In the event that your manuscript is evaluated and its rapid review is approved, the Editorial Committee will make a decision within two to fourteen days and may determine the following:

  • Send a communication to the authors requesting that the manuscript be reviewed and corrected, taking into account the comments of the previous journal and any additional suggestions made by the assigned editor.
  • Submitting the manuscript to peer review anonymously, who will not be aware of the other journal's comments, with no guarantee of final acceptance.
  • Reject the manuscript, because it does not meet the criteria to be evaluated by our journal.
  • Carry out the usual editorial process, because it does not meet the criteria considered for a quick review. Only original manuscripts may be evaluated in this way. Reviews, letters to the editor, among others, will not be accepted.

accepted article

literary corrections

After the final acceptance of the publication, the manuscript will be reviewed by literary proofreaders, who will be in charge of the stylistic and syntactic modifications in order to optimize the narrative quality of the work.

Galley trials

The corresponding author will receive a notification with his galley proof in PDF format. In order to correctly comply with editorial deadlines, authors will have a period of 48 hours to confirm and accept the galley proof within OJS. Emails or messages outside of this system will not be accepted.

In case of modifications, you must make comments within the document. However, they will only be included by acceptance and approval of the Editorial Committee (no exceptions).

publication costs

We apply a flat cost of USD300.00 (Three hundred and 00/100 US dollars). This cost helps the maintenance of the magazine.


Our license (CC BY 4.0) allows:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, including commercially.


Our membership in Crossref allows us to identify our publications by assigning a DOI to each article. This tool guarantees open and permanent access to the content, increases the visibility of scientific publications and allows interoperability with other search engines or repositories.

Means of contact for inquiries

In case you have submitted your manuscript, you can contact us through notifications in OJS.

Otherwise, you can write to our mail.

Complaints and Appeals Policy

The TecnoHumanismo Journal will attend to and resolve complaints or appeals related to non-compliance with any of the practices described in the editorial process involving the authors, scientific reviewers and editorial team, in the following aspects:

No publication of manuscripts: the arguments will be carefully evaluated without this implying a commitment to publication.

Plagiarism cases: the journal will use the plagiarism tools available to objectively confirm the situation within a commission designated by the Editorial Board. If this is not enough, it will resort to the opinion of an external evaluator.

Results of the peer review: the author's arguments will be analyzed and, if necessary, a new reviewer will be asked to define the result.

Conduct of the members of the editorial team of the journal: they will be analyzed within the Editorial Board.

It should be noted that, in any of the cases described or even if there are complaints from readers, those interested will send a duly identified and signed letter (anonymous documents are not accepted) to the Editorial Board by email with the following basic data:

  • Matter duly motivated and justified.
  • Full names of the interested parties.
  • Basic data for your location: email and phone number.
  • Place and dates.

Once the letter has been reviewed and it has been observed that it has the elements that justify the complaint or appeal, the Editorial Board will provide a response and solution to it.


Default section policy
Privacy statement

The use of your information will be necessary only to make shipments to the current calls, FinTech Magazine, does not disseminate your information to third parties under any circumstances, except in cases of legal order, the names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.

It is very important that the user or visitor understands that the collection of their data is only necessary for academic purposes, however if a reader needs to review any material, they can do so without registering on the platform.

Fee Waiver Policy

The TecnoHumanismo Scientific Magazine may apply discounts or admit payment exemption. In these cases, your proposal must be well-founded and clearly establish the reasons and purpose of the research being presented. In case of not requesting it, the magazine staff will assume that the author must pay the publication fee.

The final decision on discounts and payment exemption rests with the Editorial Board.

Discount policies apply to the following cases:

Lead Author has done one or more reviews for the journal in the previous 12 months. The discount for reviewers of Journal Tecnohumanismo is 25%. This applies to a single manuscript and must be requested at the time of submission; applicable to Article Processing Fees (APC) only.
Main author is a member of the Editorial Board or the Academic Committee of Journal TecnoHumanismo. The discount corresponds to 50% of the cost of the item. Applies to all manuscripts approved during the period of office; applicable to Article Processing Fees (APC) only.
Main author is an undergraduate student. The discount corresponds to 40% of the cost of the item. This applies to a single manuscript and must be requested at the time of submission; applicable to Article Processing Fees (APC) only.
The main author comes from a low-middle income country or low-income countries according to the World Bank classification (See). In these cases the discount can be between 50% up to the total exemption of the fee. This applies to a single manuscript and must be requested at the time of submission; applicable to Article Processing Fees (APC) only.

Post - publication

Procedure for the incorporation of Errata (RECTIFICATIONS)

The errata, for the publications of the TecnoHumanismo Journal, must be understood as the usual method of editing and subsequent editing of any article, by means of which all the errors that have been detected in a copy of the Journal are corrected. For this procedure, it must be taken into account that, if a part of the article contains an error, this can be rectified later by means of an editorial note or an errata. The rectifications of errors that may be made will be made, depending on the error, in the publication or in a new version of it.

To request the incorporation of errata, an email should be sent to indicating the page/paragraph/footnote where the error is found, indicating the correction to be made by the Editorial Committee. This may be done within the 6 months following the publication of the work on the Journal's website.

The retraction of the Authors

 Authors may withdraw a paper submitted to the Journal until before the article is approved for review by a blind reviewer.

In cases of retraction, the author or authors, jointly, must raise it in a timely manner and in writing in a presentation addressed to the Director of the Journal, who will present the case to the Drafting Committee. The Committee must decide within a term of 15 calendar days, and the decision will be communicated immediately to the interested authors. There is no recourse against this decision.

Artículo científico

Se deriva de una investigación, experiencia de acción social o de docencia y da cuenta de parte de ella. Refiere los alcances logrados y sus posibles aplicaciones científicas. Plantea los objetivos, el método utilizado y los resultados de la parte escogida para compartir en la revista.

Sus partes son: Introducción; estado de la cuestión o antecedentes; marco teórico o referentes conceptuales; metodología; resultados, análisis y discusión; conclusiones; referencias; apéndices o material complementario (si corresponde).

Artículo de revisión

Plantea una revisión bibliográfica de un determinado ámbito de estudio relacionado con la temática que la revista aborda. Puede repasar los expositores más relevantes, sus ideas principales y sus aportes. Puede hacer análisis y comentarios basados en afirmaciones objetivas y sustentadas. El capítulo de la investigación relativo al estado de la cuestión, con ciertas adaptaciones, puede constituirse en un artículo de esta índole. Sus partes son: Introducción, Metodología, Resultados y discusión, y Conclusiones.


Es el tipo de texto expositivo que defiende una tesis o contrapone dos tesis acerca del objeto de estudio específico que trata. Es un discurso muy reflexivo en el que se centra el énfasis en el análisis de los estudios vigentes y en las ideas planteadas hasta ese momento, con el objetivo de trascender sus alcances y poner en discusión su relevancia.

Sus partes son: Introducción (incluye el planteamiento del tema, los objetivos y el enfoque conceptual desde el que se abordará la temática), Desarrollo (argumentación de las ideas), Discusión, Conclusiones, y Referencia.

Privacy Statement

The use of your information will be necessary only to make shipments to the current calls, Journal TecnoHumanismo, does not disseminate your information to third parties under any circumstances, except in cases of legal order, the names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.

It is very important that the user or visitor understands that the collection of their data is only necessary for academic purposes, however if a reader needs to review any material, they can do so without registering on the platform.