Open Access Policy

TecnoHumanismo offers free, immediate and open access to all its content, based on the principle that this means giving the public a free path to access research, with the understanding that this will help and enable greater global exchange of scientific knowledge. The intellectual protection of the authors is also guaranteed, who acknowledge the source and authorship of the data consulted and cited in their own research, in accordance with the protocols and universal standards of scientific research. Authors retain their copyright; In addition, they grant TecnoHumanismo the right to publish the article, under the conditions established by it.

TecnoHumanismo, accepts the Creative Commons (CC) Attribution license: “This license allows others to redistribute, remix, adjust, and build upon your work, including for commercial purposes, as long as you take credit for the original creation. This is the most helpful license offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of the materials subject to the license."

For more information: CC licenses are based on the principle of creative freedom for academic, scientific, and cultural purposes. CC licenses complement copyright without opposing it.