Formative assessment in high school students
Evaluación formativa, enseñanza, aprendizaje, retroalimentaciónAbstract
Formative evaluation is a methodology that constitutes a fundamental component in the improvement of the teaching-learning process, by involving a continuous monitoring of learning progress through feedback, in order to provide and encourage autonomy, self-regulation capacity and self-reflection in students. students. Currently, in Peruvian education this methodology is being implemented, however, the expected effects on student learning are not registered.
The objective of this study was to analyze the research carried out on formative assessment in high school students in Peru. For this, a systematic review was carried out, considering the Prisma Declaration method, of the main studies developed on formative evaluation in the context of interest in the last 5 years, the database of sources such as Scielo and Scopus was taken for, later , study them through the analysis-synthesis method. The results showed that most studies use qualitative and descriptive methodologies.
All agree that formative assessment encourages the integral development of the student, promoting self-assessment and self-reflection, highlighting the fundamentals of feedback in learning assessment processes and the formative role played by the teacher, however, its implementation is not adequate. in secondary education in Peru, which means that it is not reflected in a significant improvement in the performance of students.
It is concluded that secondary education in Peru has been implementing formative assessment, but the expected results have not been recorded, in addition, there is a lack of studies with robust methodologies that provide empirical evidence of the results of formative assessment in secondary education in Peru in the various social contexts presented at the national level.
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