Didactic games to improve learning in mathematics: A systematic review between the years 2010-2020


  • Thaygoro Enmanuelle Cornejo Olivares Universidad Privada Cesar Vallejo, Trujillo-Perú
  • Erick Carlo Figueroa Coronado Universidad Privada Cesar Vallejo, Trujillo-Perú
  • Fernando Ysmael Cenas Chacón Universidad Privada del Norte, Cajamarca-Perú https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0237-0737
  • Silvia Marina Gutierrez Mantilla Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, Trujillo-Perú




Estrategias, lúdicas, juegos, matemática, aprendizaje, significativo


As in other countries, in Peru, poor school performance is an evil that affects a large number of students. Learning mathematics, in our context, is part of the national problem. However, despite the different proposals in numerous studies, the scientific results show that we are not having an effect on the improvement according to the census exams, nor on educational policies. The objective of this article is to present a systematic review regarding game-based learning, applied centrally to the teaching of mathematics in education, especially in secondary education, for this we will take into account the existing foundations on the changes that It has caused in the classrooms the application of the ludic method that seems to be remarkable and considerable, forming new learning environments for mathematics, which manage to assimilate the attention of many students, motivate commitment and better learning results. A literary review methodology was used for years from 2010 to 2020, based on fifteen bibliographic studies, as well as databases of significant interest in the educational field, the respective bibliographic analysis, quality evaluation, and conclusions were carried out. corresponding. The results show the different results obtained by the authors considered in the present that address various mediations and that are oriented to cognitive, affective, socio-emotional development, soft skills and behavior within the area of Mathematics. These results will allow future researchers and educational institutions interested in the subject to analyze the significance and relevant contributions that the use of games brings to learning.


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How to Cite

Cornejo Olivares, T. E., Figueroa Coronado , E. C., Cenas Chacón , F. Y., & Gutierrez Mantilla, S. M. (2022). Didactic games to improve learning in mathematics: A systematic review between the years 2010-2020. Tecnohumanismo, 2(3), 79–99. https://doi.org/10.53673/th.v2i3.165