Learning strategies to improve reading comprehension in secondary school students
estrategias, aprendizaje, comprensión, lectoraAbstract
The intention of this study was to determine the level of reading comprehension through the application of learning strategies in third grade students of an Educational Institution in the district of Santo Tomás in the province of Luya, Amazonas region, 2022; the proposed design was quasi-experimental with a quantitative scope. The sample was made up of 48 students. The structured observation technique was used and as instruments the checklist and the written test. The hypothesis test shows that there was a significant difference in the assessments of the pretest and final evaluation in the experimental group, having obtained a significance of (0.000 < α= 0.05) in the literal and inferential dimension and in the critical dimension a (0.001 < α= 0.05); however, in the control group, in the literal dimension it was obtained (0.847 > α= 0.05), in the inferential dimension (0.846 > α= 0.05) and in the critical dimension (0.710 α= 0.05). , data that shows that there was no significant progress in the results. It is concluded that the use of learning strategies allowed raising the level of reading comprehension in the students of the experimental group.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Manuel Carlos Estela Silva, Tesoro Yomar Pérez Díaz, Brayan Emerson Estela Pérez

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