Formative assessment an opportunity to improve learning
formative assessment, methodology, Teaching learning process, teacher roleAbstract
Formative evaluation is conceived as a methodology that has been developed over the last years with the purpose of contributing to an improvement in student learning, regardless of the educational level in which they are applied. The importance that it has reached is due to the fact that through it the teacher acquires a somewhat different role from the one he develops within a traditional methodology, it is through formative evaluation that new ways of communicating with others are created. students inside the classroom. Depending on the diversity of benefits that its staging is generated within the teaching-learning process, a variety of investigations have been carried out that delimit its theoretical development and in a few cases it has been validated through experimental processes, which have contributed significantly to understanding the need for it. Based on this approach, a systematic review has been carried out that contains a contrast from 30 articles, among which are 77% qualitative research, 63% carried out in basic education and 57% developed in Peru, for which it can be refer to the marked interest that the country has on this subject. Therefore, it is considered pertinent to delve into new mechanisms that allow not only knowing their benefits, but also how to accompany teachers so that they achieve their incorporation into the usual teaching practice.
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