Cultural identity in primary school students in rural areas


  • Carolina Alexandra Quevedo Chigne Universidad César Vallejo, Lima - Perú
  • Zindy Cotty Ortecho Rodríguez Universidad César Vallejo, Lima - Perú



Identidad cultural, cultura, patrimonio cultural, educación


The objective of the study was to measure the level of Cultural Identity of students from rural areas of the I.E. 82982 - "El Suit" where a cross-sectional design was applied and the non-experimental descriptive scope. The sample was made up of 71 primary level students, the technique used was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. The results obtained were quite encouraging since 73% are at a high level, as well as their dimensions, most of the respondents are located at the high level, obtaining, as well as a conclusion that the students do have a high level in their cultural identity and that they must continue with the stimuli from both the State, municipality, schools and family to continue instilling in students that sense of identity.


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How to Cite

Carolina Alexandra Quevedo Chigne, & Zindy Cotty Ortecho Rodríguez. (2022). Cultural identity in primary school students in rural areas. Tecnohumanismo, 2(3), 426–442.