Evaluation of the predatory capacity of metepeira nigriventris on the housefly under simulated conditions in a pilot dump


  • Abrahan Abel Cordova Cjuno Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima - Perú
  • Marco Cesar Quispe Mamani Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima - Perú




Predatory capacity, biological control, dump, arachnid species, high Andean


The present investigation had as a general objective to evaluate the predatory capacity of the arachnid species M. nigriventris, as a biological controller of the common fly in a pilot dump in the high Andean zone. The experimental design of a quantitative approach was used as a methodology, it was based on a random sampling by conglomerates, the arachnid species existing in the pajonal ecosystem of the area of ​​the San Román province of the Puno region was collected, therefore Therefore, 35 species of arachnids were inserted for each experimental process that consisted of simulating 3 pilot dumps, they had an experimentation period of 4 months. Having the necessary data, these were tabulated in the statistical software program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS and Excel, where the relevant information was analyzed, the results indicate that in the first dump during the four-month period, 966 were obtained. dams, in the second dump, 983 dams were obtained and finally in the third dump 958 dams were obtained, therefore it is concluded that no treatment is different, the three are the same, obtaining a considerable potential predatory value of the arachnid species M. nigriventris, occupying an important place among invertebrates as a biological controller of houseflies in a pilot dump.


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How to Cite

Abrahan Abel Cordova Cjuno, & Marco Cesar Quispe Mamani. (2022). Evaluation of the predatory capacity of metepeira nigriventris on the housefly under simulated conditions in a pilot dump. Tecnohumanismo, 2(3), 527–544. https://doi.org/10.53673/th.v2i3.176