Formative evaluation in university teaching performance: systematic review of literature
Formative evaluation, teaching performance, university professor, systematic reviewAbstract
A main factor in the improvement of teaching - learning is the use of formative evaluation of university teachers who have been improving in their performance in the classroom, in addition to the use of feedback levels such as reflective and descriptive has gradual improvement in the different areas of the university environment has become a reality. The objective of the article is to carry out a systematic review with issues related to formative evaluation in university teaching performance, to specifically systematize the information. In the methodology, the prism method was used where systematically selected information and meta-analysis were developed, carrying out as a first action an exploratory search in the scopus, google academic and science databases, followed by the systematic search of 75 articles of which was disrespecting due to duplicity and other criteria described, finally we were left with 25 articles published from 2017 to 2021 directly related to the research topic, the quality evaluation is carried out under 5 criteria: relevance, relationship, relevance, rigor and credibility for extract the specific data and answer the questions posed. The main results that we find are the various coincidences of the authors in that the application of the formative evaluation of university teachers causes positive effects on the job performance of future professionals, just as in a sector of teachers there is resistance to change and they continue to apply the traditional summative evaluation at the end of learning-teaching processes.
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