Formative Assessment in the virtual classroom, a solution to the pandemic?: systematic literature review.
formative assessment, virtual classroom, teaching performance, virtual toolsAbstract
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions closed and had to reorient the work of teachers to continue their work. This situation motivated research that invites teachers to update themselves through various sources of information that are available to them. An important and central aspect of the educational process is formative evaluation, but in its virtual modality that was born as a possible solution to the global health problem. This article was a systematic review of shared in three aspects: education in a virtual classroom, teaching performance and tools used in formative evaluation, whose objective was to analyze the evidence found about formative evaluation in a classroom. virtual. We worked under the guidelines of PRISMA. The results describe the findings of studies from 2019 to 2021 in various journals, these indicated that virtual tools in the educational field improve student learning, as long as the teacher has the digital competence to generate learning spaces in environments virtual and with a pertinent and adequate evaluation to the learning experience.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Felicitas Quispe Merma, Beymar Pedro Solís Trujillo, Jorge Silva Huaman, Jaqueline Huaman Vargas

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