Promotion of foreign trade to refloat the peruvian economy in a pandemic context
Promotion of foreign trade, refloating of the peruvian economy, a pandemic context and PeruAbstract
The research called: Promotion of foreign trade for the recovery of the Peruvian economy in a pandemic context; has identified the problem in the Peruvian economy, especially in the current pandemic context, in which for health reasons companies have been closed, activities suspended, shifts reduced, production, sales, and also profitability and other indicators decreased. This problem is expressed in the following question: How will the promotion of foreign trade influence the recovery of the Peruvian economy in a pandemic context? Faced with the problem, the solution is proposed through the formulation of the hypothesis: The promotion of foreign trade significantly influences the recovery of the Peruvian economy in a pandemic context. Likewise, this work has been oriented to the following objective: To determine the influence of the promotion of foreign trade in the refloating of the Peruvian economy in a pandemic context. The study concludes that the promotion of foreign trade significantly influences the recovery of the Peruvian economy in a pandemic context.
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