The Rubric as an efficient instrument in the Evaluation of Professional Competences
Evaluation instrument, Measurement of student results, Student results, RubricAbstract
The learning systems of the Universities must ensure the achievement of professional skills, also considered as Student Outcomes (RE) that guarantee a comprehensive training of the student, in accordance with the graduate profile offered by the academic programs of the universities and the labor market needs. The detail is in strengthening the processes of collection and analysis of the information of the measurement of the RE, which allows the continuous improvement of the educational quality of the academic programs. The collection of information from the measurement process is done through the application of evaluation instruments such as the Rubric, which is one of the most used instruments by university teachers to guide and evaluate a learning activity, for this reason the objective is to analyze the efficiency of the Rubric in the measurement of RE in universities. The Prisma 2020 method was used with the purpose of identifying, selecting, evaluating and synthesizing 25 studies published in databases such as Scielo, Scopus and Google Scholar. The constructivist contribution of the Rubric in the formative evaluation in the universities was identified, but this contribution is diminished when the design and construction of the evaluation instrument is not worked well, reaching the conclusion that the efficiency of the Rubric in the measurement of RE depends directly on its design, that is, on the articulation between the RE, the performance indicators and the evaluation criteria.
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