Production of texts in higher education students: Systematic review
text production, higher educationAbstract
The production of texts is the use of written language in order to build meaning in the text and communicate to the receivers. It is a reflective matter because it involves the adaptation, organization and permanent revision of the text. In the context of the creation of texts, at the university it is observed that students of various professional careers have difficulties establishing the meaning of the text, consolidating the communicative intention, proper ordering of syntax, efficacy and security of information, making use of a precise and varied vocabulary, adapting the text to the discursive genre, deficient use of cohesive and textual resources. The intention of this study was to know the difficulties of higher education students in the production of texts. The present investigation belongs to the design of a systematic review of the literature of twenty articles on the production of texts of higher education students. The result of the analysis shows that higher education students do not make adequate use of the fundamental properties of the text such as coherence, cohesion and adequacy. It is concluded that universities must implement comprehensive proposals to improve text production skills in higher education students.
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