papal bulls


  • Elías Saturnino Toledo Espinoza Investigador Independiente, Lima - Perú
  • Sipriana Lila Toledo Espinoza Investigador Independiente, Lima - Perú



papal bull, religious, pope


The bulls are files that commonly deal with political or religious matters, in the situation of containing a papal seal it is known as a papal bull or pontifical bull. These are issued by the Papal Apostolic Chancellery on matters of clerical and even civil management. The papal seal is a small lead medal with a cross in the middle and a representation of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and on the reverse the name of the pope at the time and the year of pontificate.

Alexandrian Bulls is the collective name given to the group of papal documents: 5 Latin manuscripts on parchment, which include the papal bulls granted in 1493 by Pope Alexander VI, with which the foundations of universal law are laid. In 1493, from the first voyage of Columbus, a sequence of disputes between the kingdoms of Portugal and Spain originated, since the Monarch Juan II of Portugal claimed all the countries discovered by Columbus. To end this altercation, the Catholic Monarchs, Fernando and Isabel, request the participation of the new Pope Alexander VI.


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How to Cite

Elías Saturnino Toledo Espinoza, & Sipriana Lila Toledo Espinoza. (2022). papal bulls. Tecnohumanismo, 2(3), 226–246.