The connection of humans with the cloud


  • Cesar Loo Gil Científico Investigador de BioFab Inc, y del Centro de Investigación & Producción Científica IDEOs, Lima - Perú



Cloud Computing, Services contract, Privacy, human being


In recent times, the processes related to internationalization, but in addition to the relocation of huge organizations, in several transnational cases, has defined that the computing needs of these have grown in a noticeably pre-eminent way than did the occasional capacity of calculation potentially inherent to the individual computers that it had. As a result of all this, even when, equally, from other extra causes, an interesting evolution of calculation architectures has taken place, based, more than anything, on the fully simultaneous execution of certain processes in different and various groups of character. computer. The services offered from the cloud can be classified into infrastructures ("Infrastructure as a Service"), development platforms ("Platform as a Service"), applications ("Software as a Service") and finally business processes ( "Process as a Service"). As we will see, the cloud computing service supposes the entry of a third party that is nothing more than the cloud service provider. Much of the legislation applicable to the matter we are discussing was not initially developed, in any way, with cloud computing in mind. The connection between humans and the cloud changed the society of which we are a part and adapting to them directs our evolution. The digital, universal, interdependent and connected consciousness is a reality that education cannot and should not ignore. This means that education cannot avoid its responsibility towards the formation of digital inhabitants. New challenges are imposed on the socio-educational environment for the integration of technologies in the

formal teaching-learning processes. In them, the critical reasoning for the conversion of information into understanding will be decisive in learning to connect with the cloud. Cloud computing represents a well-known model for the provision of various technological services that makes it possible to access, on demand, through the network, a group of shared resources. The modalities that this new service gives rise to, both currently and in the future, are highly suggestive. In this article, after referring to certain points of a general nature, we will analyze the questions that arise within privacy and stability. In the end, we will focus on the problems that are exposed in the contracting and subcontracting on the special. The new synchronous and asynchronous virtual situations force us to develop new capacities and environments of the educational organization. In this way, the change in the educational paradigm opens a dialogue that stimulates the new opportunities that these tools of information and understanding offer us, building new experiences and situations, both in social life and in personal and educational life. In this sense, this paper will address the primary questions around the technological union in our own rooms to achieve social and educational democratization. The key points that have made the basic connection between the cloud and human beings feasible as cognitive tools and that allow us to interpret and order novel ways of social and gamified learning will also be analyzed.


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How to Cite

Loo Gil, C. (2021). The connection of humans with the cloud. Tecnohumanismo, 1(1), 184–202.