Development of critical thinking in university students


  • Benites Seguín, Lucio Alfredo Universidad Seminario Evangélico de Lima, Lima - Perú
  • Camizán García, Henry Universidad César Vallejo, Lima - Perú
  • Damián Ponte, Isaías Francisco Universidad César Vallejo, Lima - Perú



Critical thinking, dimensions, methodology


The objective of this article is to examine the situation of the State of the Art regarding the development of critical thinking in university students; For this, six national and international research papers, articles and theses have been examined. The inclusion criterion is the research work referred to universities and especially in Social Sciences. All other investigations that do not have this characteristic are excluded. As a conclusion we can mention, after examining the aforementioned investigations, there are coincidences in all of them. All have used the quantitative approach and have applied specific instruments to extract data and carry out specific hermeneutics. Likewise, in all the conclusions it can be observed that the strategies used produce a significant development of critical thinking. Regarding the differences, it has been possible to identify that Lara, V., Ávila, J. and Olivares, S. (2010) have used a mixed approach using a quantitative questionnaire-type instrument and a qualitative rubric-type instrument. Another significant difference is presented by Azurín, V. (2018), using a quasi-experimental method in his investigation; he separated the students into two groups, one experimental and one control. Thus, it has been possible to examine the State of the Art regarding the development of critical thinking.


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How to Cite

Benites Seguín, Lucio Alfredo, Camizán García, Henry, & Damián Ponte, Isaías Francisco. (2021). Development of critical thinking in university students. Tecnohumanismo, 1(1), 173–183.