Template for articles
In general, there is a Template for Articles. Keep in mind that the types of manuscripts that TecnoHumanismo Journal receives are:
Scientific article. – Aims at the study of a problem, ideas or debates with skill and creativity to inform valid and reliable results of the investigation. It refers to the achievements and its possible scientific applications. The writing must be precise, clear and brief, with semantic self-sufficiency (Lam, 2016). Its traditional structure is: introduction; Materials and methods; Results and discussion; conclusions; and references. Also as an alternative structure there is IMRyD: introduction; Materials and methods; results; discussion; and references (González and Mattar, 2010). The writing of the document must have an extension between 3,000 and 6,000 words, not including information on the article, author(s), summary, abstract, keywords, keywords and references.
Review article or state of the art. – Presents a bibliographic review (minimum 25 references) of a certain field of study with relevant researchers, highlighting their main ideas and contributions. The author's contribution is the analysis, adaptations and comments based on objective and supported statements of the state of the art (Camacho et al., 2014). The minimum length is 5000 words and the structure is suggested: introduction, analysis (period), discussion; conclusions; and references.
Letters to the editor or short articles. – It is a type of short scientific publication, they can be observations, clarifications or criticisms to communicate a result quickly, propose theories, hypotheses or add information that was not taken into account in the scientific community (Castro-Rodríguez, 2021). The maximum length will be up to 1000 words and its structure is: introduction; thematic body; conclusions; and references.
If strictly necessary, the manuscripts can have appendices at the end.