Peer Review Process

The objective of the peer review is to determine if the manuscript sent to the TecnoHumanismo journal is appropriate for publication under the principles of scientific rigor. This is based on factors such as the quality and relevance of the manuscript, as well as the clarity of the writing, which contributes to increasing the quality of the research and presentation of the proposals before publication.

The estimated time from the acceptance of the work by the evaluators until the publication is one (6) months. The TecnoHumanismo Magazine reserves the right to suggest formal modifications to the articles that are accepted for publication. All the texts sent must be governed by the APA Rules for the presentation of articles.

This quality control system is developed throughout the editorial process of the magazine in digital format as follows:

  • It begins with the process of receiving the article proposals made by the author(s). Next, the article is rigorously evaluated by the Editorial Committee, anticipating that it has the structure parameters: clarity of objectives, coherence of ideas, relevance of the methodology, solidity of the results and discussion, conclusions and references, in order to guarantee the relevance, originality of the contributions, scientific rigor and ethics in the editorial process, reserving the committee the right to refer experts in the subject matter raised.

  • Subsequently, two peers external to the publishing institution, national or international, will be assigned as reviewers of the article under the modality of the double-blind peer review process, and in the event of disagreement in the concepts, a third peer reviewer will be assigned to resolve disagreements; it is they who will make observations and issue an opinion in terms of: (a) Accepted for publication, (b) Pending publication, or (c) Not accepted for publication.

  • Finally, the article is published in the number corresponding to the one that is structured according to current and pertinent topics. That is why the article proposal is entered into our system responding to the parameters established by the Editorial Committee.

The following criteria are taken into account in the arbitration process:

  • Compliance with the standards of the Publications manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

  • Relevance of the theme with the coverage area of what is published in the TecnoHumanismo Magazine.

  • Contribution of new theoretical and practical knowledge on the subject matter.

  • Rigor and objectivity with the topic addressed.

  • Adequate, clear and coherent use of written language.

  • Updating and validity of the reported referential support (last five years).