Blockchain and innovation in technologies


  • Wilfredo Zevallos Umpiri Investigador Independiente, Lima - Perú



Blockchain, innovación, tecnologías


This article proposed as a general objective to reflect on Blockchain and its links with innovation in technologies. This to the extent that the chain of blocks makes it possible for product and process innovations to exist, which it is inferred have great benefits in various sectors of the life of human beings. For this, a methodology based on a descriptive bibliographic review was applied, using scientific articles as primary sources of information. The variable or object of study selected was Blockchain. The search was done through the Web or Science, Proquest, Scielo and Scopus. The criteria were: 1) articles that included the words “Blockchain” in the title, abstract or keywords; 2) that are supported by complementary keywords such as "innovation" and "technology" and, 3) articles published between 2016 and July 2021. Articles from Latin America, North America and Europe were selected. The results and discussion were organized by themes that emphasize the main findings. Throughout the study and compilation of documentation, it was possible to conclude that there is great interest in the literature in the use of Blockchain, linking this technology with innovation in various aspects of human life (economy and finance, public management and legal issues, health and society). In this sense, it was concluded with the general objective to reflect on Blockchain and its links with innovation in technologies.


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How to Cite

Wilfredo Zevallos Umpiri. (2021). Blockchain and innovation in technologies. Tecnohumanismo, 1(4), 244–253.