Social housing in the socioeconomic transition of young people. A systematic review.
vivienda social, demanda de vivienda, subsidio, convivencia socialAbstract
The main objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of social housing in the socioeconomic transition of young people. A systematic review. In this framework, the research was of a qualitative approach, descriptive and narrative design. Documentary analysis was used as a data collection technique, for the systematic search in 5 platforms, obtaining articles from indexed journals such as Scielo, Scopus, Redalyc, Dialnet and ProQuest. Taking into account publications in Spanish, English and Portuguese from the last 5 years, subsisting at the end 40 qualitative articles, concluding that contemporary social housing; It is a public priority that is achieved through public policies, and that is differentiated by its purchasing power. Therefore, it is a material expression of culture and synthesizes the different factors that condition habitability. This shows that social housing is the product of a global need due to the demand for spaces or subsidized financing that is associated with the socioeconomic trend of young people at different levels of social coexistence.
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