Evaluation of the competitiveness of embryonated rainbow trout eggs produced locally in the Lagunillas Sector, Puno: an experience of the company MARANDES EIRL
ovas embrionadas, importaciones, UTA, eficiencia productiva, precio de ventaAbstract
This article analyzes the competitiveness attributes of locally produced embryonated rainbow trout eggs, comparing their results with those of imported eggs. The experience was developed between 2019-2020, at the Marandes EIRL company, located in Lagunillas, Puno, at 4,305 masl, in an attempt to evaluate conditions to substitute imports. Imported eggs have kept pace with the impressive growth of trout production in Peru which, from the beginning of this century to the present, rose from 1,900 to 64,000 t/year, with Puno being the department that concentrates more than 80% of the production . Peru currently imports around 280 million eggs/year and national production is practically nil. This work is based on three spawnings of broodstock from the company's stock, taking an average batch of 95 thousand eggs per spawning for the respective tests. The embryonated eggs were obtained, on average, at 357 ATU (Accumulated Thermal Units), equivalent to 35 days; value notoriously higher than that of imported eggs that oscillates around 270 UTA. However, the productive efficiency does not differ greatly between both types of eggs, both reported an IET (Total Efficiency Index) of 0.91, meaning very similar expected yields in trout production. The substantive difference is that the imported eggs are 100% female, because they were previously subjected to a sexing process, which impacts the organoleptic quality of the final product; local production suffers from this attribute, resulting in 50% females and 50% males. However, the prevailing market conditions favor the latter, demanding 4 units/kg of trout, in which state the organoleptic differences between males and females are imperceptible. Finally, the price of local eggs, ready for sale, was calculated at US$27/thousand, including 20% profit; attractive value compared to US$35/thousand for imported eggs. In this scenario, it is evident that the local production of embryonated trout eggs, on a commercial scale, is a promising business, but it requires investments that combine technology and knowledge for its development and sustainability in the medium and long term.
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Copyright (c) 2021 José Vilcherrez Lozada, Luis Pardo-Figueroa Tassara, Rolando Huamaní Peralta

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