Correlation of the application of the huang scale and the extension of the inferior vena cava to the fast echosonography of the General Surgery service of the "Dr Luis Razetti" Hospital of Barinas 2012-2014
Eco Fast, Manejo de trauma abdominal cerrado, score de HuangAbstract
Correlation of the application of the Huang scale and the extension of the inferior vena cava to Fast echosonography, to determine surgical indication in blunt abdominal trauma, between the period from March 2013 to March 2014. A prospective, observational, analytical, transversal, in the emergency room and operating room of the General Hospital Dr. Luis Razetti de Barinas. A total of 200 patients with closed abdominal trauma who underwent Fast ultrasound, being negative in 142 patients, which represented 71% of the cases, positive in 58 patients, representing 29%, the Huang score was applied to this group. and the measurement of the inferior vena cava, obtaining a score of 1 to 2 in 59% of cases, with a diameter of the inferior vena cava between approximately 20 mm (non-surgical) and a score greater than 5 points with vein diameter. cava smaller than 10 mm in 32% (surgical) and 9% were kept under observation for 48-72 hours due to presenting a score between 3 and 4 points and an inferior vena cava diameter between 10 and 20 mm that did not require surgically intervened, reaching with this the verification that the 39 patients that represented 67% of the cases, were managed conservatively, due to the findings of the test they did not require surgical intervention immediately or later and f They were successfully discharged. Conclusion: the use of the FAST with the Huang scale and the extension to the inferior vena cava offers a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 100%, which shows that a modification to the Huang score and immediate detection, in a short time and non-invasive of an accurate diagnosis, facilitate the most appropriate therapeutic approach for the management of patients with blunt abdominal trauma, breaking the paradigm that all patients with free fluid in the cavity should be taken to the operating table.
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