Social and economic impact of the Cañete Road Corridor – Peru
Social impact, economic impact, Cañete Road Corridor, education, health, basic services, access, markets, employmentAbstract
One of the central axes for the economic and social development of any country is the construction of highways, given that these land communication routes, in addition to contributing to planning and territorial ordering, promote the demographic, economic and social growth of their communities. The transportation system generates positive effects on access to education and health, as well as on the relocation of economic activities, generating greater flow of merchandise, thus directly supporting productive activities and the economic income of its population. will benefit The present investigation identifies the social and economic impacts, generated by the construction of the Cañete Road Corridor in its territorial areas, to carry out the investigation the technique of the survey, interview and bibliographic review was applied, making use of the analysis synthesis method. The sample for the survey was 20 communities, provinces and districts of the population at the foot of the Corredor Vial Cañete highway, from which key informants (authorities, teachers and health personnel) were chosen for the interviews. The results showed that the social impact that it has produced in the inhabitants of the Cañete Road Corridor has been: greater access to education, health (medical care) and improvement of basic services and the economic impact has been: greater access to markets for local crops and products, access to new employment opportunities, development of new economic activities such as tourism and the strengthening of the economy. Coming to the conclusion that the construction of roads and road corridors, such as the Cañete Road Corridor, generates significant impacts on the beneficiary population, improving their quality of life and that roads constitute a fundamental and important piece in relation to economic and social development. of our country.
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