Adverse reactions related to the SINOPHARM vaccine in health personnel of the Arequipa Regional Police Hospital Julio Pinto Manrique
Objective: It was to determine the adverse reactions related to the SINOPHARM vaccine in the health personnel of the Regional Police Hospital "Julio Pinto Manrique" of Arequipa.
Method: It was a non-experimental, basic, cross-sectional and prospective investigation, the population was made up of health personnel who work in the aforementioned hospital, the question form used by the Centers for control was loaded on a virtual platform. and disease prevention (CDC), answering a total of 162 people.
Results: The health personnel in both doses presented mostly side effects such as headache and pain, swelling, redness in the vaccine puncture area, and allergic reactions such as dizziness and tachycardia.
Conclusion: Side effects occurred in the 1st dose in 66.73% in the 2nd dose in 58.64%; allergic reactions in the 1st dose occurred in 8.02% and in the 2nd in 5.56% in the health personnel of the aforementioned Hospital.
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