Effect of new technologies in Peru
Development, Science, Technology, PeruAbstract
Science and Technology house a theoretical and practical interaction that in groups are key to national development, economic growth and sustainability, the training of experts and the generation of skills, according to market needs. This is why the construction of state policies in order that the creations and investigations are the bases of the educational level of our region.
Examining the main impacts and challenges that the new information and communication technologies (ICT) pose to the technological sector and to society in its group, is the objective of this analysis, in a scenario where the growing fusion and development of information technology and telecommunications emerges as the primordial element that drives globalization by leaps and bounds. The latter, not only since it makes it possible to do jobs and businesses faster and more efficiently, but also, since it opens the doors to do new business, an unthinkable precedent of the irruption of these new technologies, by removing or minimizing the barriers of price, time and distance.
The generation of wealth, the construction of qualified work, the optimization of productivity, economic equality and the development of new services, are increasingly due to the contribution of new technologies and telecommunications services in multiple spheres. of society and the economy. They are an inexhaustible source of economic advantages by exponentially increasing the speed, accuracy and procedure of information, the storage function, the organization of production and distribution as a network and the transmission of information at all times and at any time. anywhere in the world.
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