Influence of conformity and payment to suppliers by the National Office of Electoral Processes


  • Carolina Palomino Segovia Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Universidad del Perú. Decana de América



Pedagogical accompaniment, teacher, performance and virtual


The objective of the study was to identify the pedagogical accompaniment to teachers in remote education in times of pandemic of Regular Basic Education in the Educational Institution of Julcan province, La Libertad 2021, assumes a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive and court approach. cross-sectional being descriptive, following Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2007), the deductive method, the descriptive design has been used and the sample was made up of 48 teachers: 14 from the primary level (5 boys and 9 girls) and 34 from the secondary level (15 men and 19 women), the technique is the survey, divided into five dimensions: Collegiate planning, accompaniment climate, process management, process evaluation and forms of intervention. The levels considered are Deficient, Regular and Good, the instrument used was a structured questionnaire on pedagogical accompaniment (Rubrics proposed by the MINEDU).

The results: A slight similarity is found and it is evident that the specific objectives are related to the results, finding: At the level of pedagogical accompaniment, we observe that 22.9% consider that accompaniment is deficient, 56.3% believe that they have a regular level and 20.8 % indicates that the level that corresponds to the good company. The arithmetic mean was 42.9 points, therefore, the teaching accompaniment according to the opinion of the teachers reached the regular level, the standard deviation was 2.4 points with a CV of 28.9% implies that at the accompaniment level the scores are homogeneous. About.

It is concluded that it is demonstrated that education is necessary to have certain guidelines that direct the teaching work through educational policies aimed at promoting the best learning for students.


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How to Cite

Palomino Segovia , C. (2022). Influence of conformity and payment to suppliers by the National Office of Electoral Processes. Tecnohumanismo, 2(3), 509–526.