Hydrolytic activity of blood amylase in apparently healthy High Andean patients – Ayacucho


  • Jesús Javier Ñaccha Urbano Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Ayacucho - Perú




Amylase, blood, pancreatitis, AU/dl


In the present research work we determined the blood amylase levels as well as the variation of blood amylase activity. The corresponding analysis was carried out in the Human Biology laboratory of the Faculty of Biological Sciences.

Of the 70 high Andean patients, 35 women whose averages are: amylase activity was 125 AU/dl, 26 years of age and 58 kg of weight. While 35 males with 142 AU/dl at 28 years of age and weighing 64 kg, generally the data for young males are higher than the normal values of 120 AU/dl.

In relation to the age group, it is observed in the segment of 17 to 23 years there are more women 17 (24.3%) whose average amylase activity of 97.9 AU/dl. Where there are more men, 13 (18.6%) in the 24 to 30-year-old segment with 110.5 AU/dl. The older sector between 31 to 36 years old there are only 7 women (11%) with 146.4 AU/dl and 11 men (15.7%) 150.6 AU/dl, in both cases this is higher due to the consumption of junk food and alcohol by young people of both sexes, are prone to pancreatitis.

Regarding the blood amylase level in apparently healthy high Andean patients of both sexes in relation to the body mass index, it is shown that most of the young people have a normal weight: 18 patients (25.7%) of women 120.6 AU/dl but statistically not significant. Regarding the 14 males (20%) with amylase activity 177.7 AU/dl, there is a small variation in enzymatic activity, higher than normal values.

Pancreatitis has many causes including excessive alcohol consumption, cystic fibrosis, and gallstones. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and greasy stools.


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How to Cite

Jesús Javier Ñaccha Urbano. (2021). Hydrolytic activity of blood amylase in apparently healthy High Andean patients – Ayacucho. Tecnohumanismo, 1(4), 254–267. https://doi.org/10.53673/th.v1i4.20