Educational intervention: prevention of COVID-19 in a housing association, Banda de Shilcayo, San Martin, Perú
educational intervention, prevention, COVID-19, coronavirusAbstract
Introduction: COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the new coronavirus, its peculiarity is to transmit rapidly from person to person, through droplets, which are expelled through the mouth or nose when the person breathes in or out the oxygen in the air, reason for which it is essential to apply the measures of hand washing with soap and water, the use of masks, physical and social distancing in the inhabitants. The lack of knowledge about the prevention of COVID-19 has caused the accelerated increase in cases, causing it to occur, hospitalizations, deaths, in addition to expenses and problems of discrimination against those who are carriers of the disease.
Objetive: Determine the influence of the Educational Intervention to prevent COVID-19 in the inhabitants of the "Amplification La Victoria" Housing Association of the district of the Banda de Shilcayo 2021.
Materials and methods: It has been made a quasi-experimental study, before-after type without a control group, was carried out through an educational intervention to the inhabitants of the Housing Association of the Banda de Shilcayo district during the period from June to December 2021. The study was made up of the 150 inhabitants of the Housing Association. We worked with 100% of the population
Results: It was observed a significant increase in the level of high knowledge was observed after the educational intervention about the disease (54%), healthy lifestyles (96.7%) and prevention measures (100%)
The educational intervention was effective because a high level of knowledge was achieved in the inhabitants of the Housing Association
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