Perception and attitudes towards family planning care in times of Covid-19 in women from human settlements in Piura - Sullana, 2020
Attitudes, Covid-19, women, perception, family planningAbstract
Aim. Determine if there is an association between perception and attitudes towards Family Planning care in times of Covid-19 in women from 18 to 45 years of age in Human Settlements of Piura-Sullana, 2020. Materials and Methods. Correlational descriptive study, simple random probabilistic sampling was used, for the simple and bivariate descriptive analysis of the study variables relative and absolute frequencies were used. Results. The studied sample revealed 44.32% aged between 25-34 years, 63.01% were cohabitants, 57.66% with a secondary education degree; 91.24% come from the coast; 73.29% are Catholic and 58.34% are housewives. The perception and attitude towards family planning care in times of Covid-19 was reported as bad and inadequate with 34.57% and 53.84% respectively. When relating the variables, it was shown that 34.57% who manifested a bad perception level, in 25.78% their attitude was inadequate. conclusions. The Chi square test showed a high statistically significant association between perception and attitudes towards family planning care in times of Covid-19, confirming the alternative hypothesis.
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