Application of cable bolting in zones of induced seismicity to improve the stability of the fractured rock mass, Lima, 2020


  • Hector Jesus Diaz Jora Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima - Peru



Cable bolting, induced seismicity, stability, fractured rock mass


The investigation deals with the use of the Bolting cable to stabilize the fractured rock mass in the Tj.265 Nv.18 of the Casapalca Mining Company, whose main purpose was to improve the stability of the fractured rock mass thanks to the application of reinforcement technology with Bolting cable in areas of induced seismicity, thus mitigating incidents and accidents due to rockfalls and consequently improving the production process and reducing costs due to losses, being of benefit to the company.

The research is applied at an explanatory level, with a sample intentionally selected by the researcher, because he was carrying out exploitation works in the Tj.265 during the execution of this study.

With the results obtained, it is inferred that by implementing cable bolting in areas of induced seismicity, it reinforces the stability of the fractured rock mass, since the empirical estimate of detachment of the ELOS boxes is a minimum of 2.0 m and a volume of 15 m3 concluding that the proposed stope design is stable with adequate support.


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How to Cite

Hector Jesus Diaz Jora. (2023). Application of cable bolting in zones of induced seismicity to improve the stability of the fractured rock mass, Lima, 2020. Tecnohumanismo, 3(1), 234–263.