Identification and microbial limit in the quality control of nectars: A Literary Review
Microbial limit, quality control, nectars, floorsAbstract
It is necessary to investigate the role of limiting microbial dispersion, since it may be a little-recognized factor, but equally determinant. For this reason, the present proposal was to inquire about the identification and microbial limit in the quality control of nectars through a literary review of the last five years. The design was qualitative, the type of study is review. The published bibliography was examined and placed in a certain perspective within the period 2019-2023. Throughout the review of the fifteen selected articles, the documents were read and ordered chronologically, and a table was presented according to their general data, emphasizing their most relevant objectives and conclusions. In the literary review, it was possible to investigate articles that highlighted advances in technology and adaptation and various strategies to make this process as meticulous and precise as possible. In this line, it is concluded that constant monitoring and improvement of microbial control practices are essential to ensure that nectars meet quality standards and market expectations.
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