Analysis of the imprescriptibility of real estate in the private domain of the state




Law No. 29618, Public and Private Domain, Prescription of State Assets


Law No. 29618, promulgated on November 24, 2010, establishes the presumption that the State is the owner of its real estate and declares real estate in the state's private domain as imprescriptible. This rule generates controversy as it clashes with article 73 of the State Political Constitution, which suggests the possibility of prescription of private state property. The administration, registration and defense of state assets have a legislative history since the beginning of the Republic, but the standards applied have lacked general scope. Even previous civil codes regulated aspects related to the disposal of state assets. This regulatory framework has influenced the development of Peruvian administrative law, especially with regard to the treatment of public assets, although sometimes the provisions have been included in private law regulations.


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How to Cite

Vilcherrez Vilela, D. . (2023). Analysis of the imprescriptibility of real estate in the private domain of the state. Tecnohumanismo, 3(3), 242–272.



Artículo científico