Agricultural pollution from the use of wastewater
pollution, agricultural production, sewage waterAbstract
Agricultural contamination by the use of wastewater produced in the valleys of the San Mateo, Colpa Mayo, San Juan and Río Chotano streams, was developed with the objective of demonstrating the contamination index of agricultural production, the investigation was experimental, which consisted of microbiological analysis of 3 cabbage samples, 4 potato, 2 racacha, 1 lettuce, 2 chard, 1 onion and 2 eggplant specifically irrigated with wastewater from the city of Chota and transported by the indicated streams and rivers, among the relevant results it is highlighted that the polluting agents of agricultural production in the valleys of the streams and rivers irrigated with wastewater, are constituted by the groups total coliforms, fecal coliforms, streptococci and enterococci, and salmonella, The data leads to the conclusion that the agricultural production that is cultivated in the valleys that use wastewater as irrigation are contaminated and They are not acceptable for human consumption.
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