Dapp Blockchain in the traditional rental of Housing in Lima


  • Cesar Loo Gil Científico Investigador de BioFab Inc, y del Centro de Investigación & Producción Científica IDEOs, Lima - Perú




Dapp Blockchain, Technology, housing rental


Blockchain technology has allowed the registration of information, values and assets in any of its forms without the help of any intermediary. It is considered one of the most innovative technologies of recent times with the function of changing transactional systems, granting stability, transparency, decentralization and participation. As it empowers users, it also has the function of improving processes and minimizing transaction prices. Blockchain Dapps have the potential to be used in the traditional rental of homes in Lima, therefore, it is essential to understand how it impacts and favors organizations and their business models. For all these reasons, this research article proposed to reflect on the traditional housing rental environment using Dapp Blockchain Technology, its potential uses, impacts and benefits for this business model. These types of companies must look for ways to reduce the threats of technology, either by incorporating it or adjusting it to the business model.


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How to Cite

Loo Gil, C. (2021). Dapp Blockchain in the traditional rental of Housing in Lima. Tecnohumanismo, 1(1), 129–151. https://doi.org/10.53673/th.v1i1.3