UBIQUOX, online market research platform
Market research, onlineAbstract
In 2019, the company NET CONSULTORES S.A.C., with the purpose of expanding its market of products related to software development, implementation of computer solutions and consulting, decides to carry out market research (QuestionPro, 2020) and forums for Know the needs of the various companies, through interviews with their main representatives, managers or managers of the business.
After an arduous search to select the marketing consulting firm, the study was commissioned in July 2018. That one, it took approximately a month and a half to deliver the results, which is an unacceptable duration for an investigation that requires the evaluation of the market at a moment of time in which the scenarios are so changing, especially now with the revolution and digital transformation.
Based on this experience, NET CONSULTORES decided to invest time and resources to conceptualize a tool that will speed up this process with a limited and directed service.
After three months of definitions and conversations with companies from multi-business sectors, it was established that the initial scope of the solution should be the automation of sampling studies.
Thus, UBIQUOX (UBIQUOX, 2021) was born, the first online market research platform, so that, with an adequate price and quickly, companies can make inquiries about their environment and facilitate decision-making to run their business. towards the needs of its clients, guaranteeing a return on their investment and potential for diverse growth.
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