Characterization and evaluation of power and efficiency of an off-grid photovoltaic wind hybrid system
photovoltaic energy, wind power, hybrid system, performanceAbstract
The diversification of the energy matrix is a fundamental area for the development of Peru, which leads to the development of sustainable and renewable energy, and that in turn minimizes potential negative environmental impacts; The most viable options are wind and solar resources depending on our geographical situation. Thus, this article presents the study of self-sustaining hybrid technology, by presenting real-time data obtained from the Energy Cube Solar-Wind Module installed at the Universidad Nacional del Santa, Nuevo Chimbote/Ancash, with a nominal power of 6200 Wp.
The study of the performance of electrical energy generation and the efficiency of energy conversion has been carried out, due to the arrangement of the wind-solar resource based on the power generated both by the photovoltaic modules, as well as by the wind turbine, being characterized as a joint system.
Based on the period of operation evaluated, the results obtained indicate that the maximum power obtained was on October 14, equivalent to 1896.3 W with an average electric power generation performance of 30.58% and an average conversion efficiency of 13.37% with meteorological data. average solar irradiation of 764.67 W/m^2 and an average wind speed of 5 m/s, reaching a maximum generation yield of 55.48% at 11:45 in the morning; and the minimum power obtained was on June 13, equivalent to 333.8 W with system performance and average system conversion efficiency of 8.09% and 7.5% respectively, with average solar irradiation meteorological data of 196.6 W/m^2 and speed of wind of 1.2 m/s.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Denis Javier Aranguri Cayetano, Anapaula Marianella Solis Alberca, Ronny Jhonatan Sáenz Gutiérrez

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