Perception of transformational leadership and management of human talent in the administrative staff of a Private University of Lima
Working conditions, work satisfaction, nursesAbstract
This article reports on the relationship between the variables perception of transformational leadership and human talent management in the administrative staff of a private university in Lima. The study was adjusted to the descriptive research level and to the descriptive correlational design. The sample was obtained by non-probabilistic sampling of the intentional type, being made up of 44 administrative workers. The Transformational Leadership Assessment Questionnaire was administered, as well as the Human Talent Management Scale. The analysis showed that between the perception of transformational leadership and the management of human talent there is a correlation value r = 0.752, significant at the p<0.01 level. Likewise, significant correlations at the p<0.01 level were established between the four dimensions of the perception of transformational leadership and human talent management, the highest corresponding to the dimension: Job recognition (r = 0.650). In addition, the findings indicate that the perception of transformational leadership and the human talent management dimensions correlate significantly at the p<0.01 level, registering a higher correlation in the dimension: Developing people (r = 0.685). In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between the perception of transformational leadership and the management of human talent in the administrative staff of the university considered in the study.
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