Correlation between the real resistance of concrete and the non-destructive test of sclerometry for concrete samples in the department of Lambayeque - Peru
Concrete, compressive strength, sclerometryAbstract
The present investigation seeks to find the level of correlation between the real resistance of the concrete (kg/cm2) and the non-destructive test of sclerometry, but above all to determine the level of confidence with which these results should be accepted. For this, specimens from different construction works in the Lambayeque region were evaluated, regardless of their design characteristics, and before they were tested in the compression press, they were subjected to an examination with a digital sclerometer following the procedure of NTP 339.181. (2013).
Test tubes with controlled design for f'c were also tested: 175, 210 and 280 kg/cm2 and thus compare if a better correlation is obtained with these test tubes with respect to the random samples from different works. For the analyzed samples of all the works, a standard deviation of 45 kg/cm2 (slightly high) was found; and in the case of controlled design concrete: 13 kg/cm2, with a correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.9467 (at 28 days).
After processing all the data, it was concluded that the sclerometry test can be used to estimate the compressive strength of concrete but under certain controlled conditions and taking into account a margin of error and reliability.
Finally, it can be concluded that for a 95% reliability level, the concrete resistance obtained with the sclerometer could be estimated with the following precision range: f'c ± 25 kg/cm2.
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