PRONAFCAP and its pedagogical practice in the beneficiary educational institutions, Puno region
PRONAFCAP, professional pedagogical practiceAbstract
The general objective of the present work is to determine the impact of PRONAFCAP-UPeU, specialization, on the improvement of the pedagogical practice of the teachers of History, Geography and Economics of the benefited institutions of the Puno region 2012-2013. We have worked with 38 participating teachers, constituted in the experimental group, with whom the program has been developed and to whom the entrance and exit tests have been applied. The analyzes of the tables and the descriptive statistics show that there is a significant difference between the results obtained in the entrance test and in the final test, the results of the final test being higher. It is concluded that the PRONAFCAP-UPeU had a very significant impact on the improvement of the pedagogical practice of teachers and referred specialties.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ángel Becerra Santa Cruz, Salomón Vásquez Villanueva, María Elizabeth Minaya Herrera, Humberto Rubén Huanca Callasaca

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