The psychology of art analyzed from melancholy in the work "The labyrinth of the minotaur"




the minotaur's labyrinth, melancholia, unconscious, art, psychology


The melancholy in "The labyrinth of the minotaur" by Ricardo Córdova Farfán, is a reflective and theoretical investigation immersed in the field of Freudian aesthetics. This article was based on the premise that the unconscious structures of the painter's psyche had a direct relationship with his work, since artistic creation cannot be dissociated from the creator's unconscious, if it is not a faithful reflection of his perception, of his world. inside and your imagination. Thus, the purpose of the article was to analyze at the level of psychoanalysis the psychological presuppositions in the work "El laberinto del minotauro" by Ricardo Córdova Farfán, focusing on the theory of melancholy. Likewise, the specific objective was to analyze at the level of the psychology of art and aesthetics some works by Ricardo Córdova where the presence of the melancholic temperament is observed. For the understanding, analysis and interpretation of Córdova's works, the hermeneutics of symbols was used, as it is the most appropriate method for this kind of discourse. It was concluded that "The labyrinth of the minotaur" by Ricardo Córdova; It is an allegory to melancholy and the impossibility of finding full freedom. The painter recreates the Greek myth of the minotaur, but from a vision of modern art. Under the light of psychoanalytic theory, the characters that surround Asterion not only reflect certain states of melancholy as a product of disenchantment with reality, but above all they reflect some dark structures of the unconscious of the human being.


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How to Cite

Raul Demetrio Arredondo Gamis, & Slink Victor Dueñas Silva. (2021). The psychology of art analyzed from melancholy in the work "The labyrinth of the minotaur". Tecnohumanismo, 1(2), 178–205.