Placement of UTM WGS 84 geodetic coordinates with ERP and photogrammetric survey with RPA for urban development purposes
geodetic coordinates, photogrammetry, unmanned vehicles, Permanent Tracking StationsAbstract
This research records the stages and results involved in a photogrammetric survey, through unmanned vehicles (RPA), remotely piloted aircraft. more popularly known as Drones and that have revolutionized photogrammetry and cartography, due to the availability of equipment at affordable costs, and high precision achieved. Used in this case to obtain the plans of an urban development, as well as the placement of ERP (permanent tracking stations), etc., all of which, used correctly, shorten time and costs compared to work carried out with other traditional methods. such as surveys carried out with a total station. A Phantom 4 multirotor drone was used for this, which generated the images to be later processed in the Agisoft Photoscan photogrammetric software and generate the orthophoto and generate the final plans in CAD. All this to generate geospatial information through photogrammetry without lowering the level of precision of the work, this work was carried out in an area of the Piura district, Department of Piura, specifically in the 26 de Octubre district. located in Peru.
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