Educational service, learning styles and professional training in students of the initial education specialty of the "Public Pedagogical Higher Education Institute" - Huaraz, 2021
servicio educativo, estilos de aprendizaje, formación profesionalAbstract
With the objective of identifying the relationship between the educational service and the learning styles with the professional training of the students of the specialty of initial education of the Institute of Public Pedagogical Higher Education of Huaraz, 2021. The present basic investigation of correlational design was developed and transversal, for this, a whole strategy was proposed for data collection, where the variables studied: educational services, learning styles and professional training were of the quantitative type of nominal measurement with coding. The data obtained were from a primary source, collected through the application of a questionnaire, previously structured and validated by a panel of experts. The questionnaire was applied to a sample of 103 students of the Initial Education specialty of the "Public Pedagogical Higher Education Institute" - Huaraz. The data obtained were processed using the SPSS version 21 program, for the hypothesis test the data were analyzed with the Spearman's Rho statistic, with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%.
The results show that there is a good relationship (ρ = 0.919) between the educational service and professional training of students. Denoting that the poor educational service, poor educational infrastructure, poor performance of the institution's staff and the poor organization of the institution significantly influence having a moderately adequate professional training of students in the specialty of initial education of the institute. Similarly, a good relationship (ρ = 0.617) is established between learning styles with professional training in students. Manifesting that, the almost never application of the reflective and pragmatic learning styles and the sometimes application of the active and theoretical learning style significantly influences having a moderately adequate professional training of the students. Therefore, it is concluded that there is a good relationship (ρ = 0.919) between the educational service and learning styles with the professional training of the students of the Initial Education specialty of the Public Pedagogical Higher Education Institute of Huaraz, where the poor service educational and the almost never application of learning styles significantly influences having a moderately adequate professional training of students.
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