Benefits of the Ilvem method in increasing reading speed and comprehension in university students.
comprensión lectora, lectura veloz, pre test y post testAbstract
The objective of this research study was to know the influence of the application of the Method of the Institute of Speed Reading, Study and Memory (ILVEM) on the reading comprehension of the students of the Universidad Privada del Norte - Los Olivos. The sample consisted of 640 students from various careers of said studies. The research was carried out under the quasi-experimental design, with the use of pre-test and post-test, which has been prepared by the Institute for speed reading, study and memory (ILVEM). The instrument that was used consisted of a reading of 1350 words, also a questionnaire of twelve questions in the pre and post test, the same ones that made it possible to identify the words that were read per minute, comprehension rate and words understood per minute. .
The findings of the Kolmogorov Smirnov goodness-of-fit test were used since the database consisted of more than 50 data, finding p values less than 0.05, demonstrating that the data did not follow a normal distribution. Non-parametric statistics were used to test the hypothesis: Mann Whitney U. It concludes by demonstrating that, indeed, the speed reading methodological strategies of the ILVEM method do have a significant influence on the students' reading comprehension, this by obtaining a significance value of p=0.000, less than 0.05.
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