Qualification: Formative Assessment in Higher Education: Systematic Review
Formative evaluation, Higher education, Education in Peru, Educational sector, University studentsAbstract
The objective of the article was the analysis of the formative evaluation to identify the learning in higher level students, in relation to the study of different articles produced in the last 5 years through the systematic review in the database of Socpus, Scielo and Dialnet. A synthesis of all the research selected from different national and international articles on formative assessment in higher education was developed. The methodology used was a systematic, documentary review and a synthesis of different investigations selected in articles. We worked with a sample of 13 scientific articles, and for this the prism flowchart was considered. It was observed in relation to the database that 20% corresponds to Scopus, 40% to Scielo and Dialnet 40% (figure 2). In relation to figure 03 to the languages of publication, 80% were found in Spanish, 10% in English and 10% in Portuguese in journals from different countries. Regarding the magazine publications of the last 5 years in the year 2017 10%, 2018 10%, 2019 40%, 2020 10% and 2021 0% of the total articles as mentioned in figure 4.
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