Collaborative learning as a didactic strategy in Latin America
Collaborative learning, Strategies, Education in Latin AmericaAbstract
The main purpose of this research on review articles is to make readers aware of the importance of collaborative work that is used in different Latin American countries as a strategy to improve the quality of teaching/learning at different levels of education ( initial, primary, secondary and higher), which is why it is valuable as a contribution due to the ease that this method provides and without discrimination of level and/or area its usefulness is recommended by the different authors of the journals. The methodology used is a systematic review taking into account the inclusion/exclusion and quality assessment, the extraction and synthesis of data in a descriptive way from the literature that the authors write and leave their contributions and recommendations, always motivating their use because they improve. skills and attitudes and those who practice raise their performance to a very high level, recommending that it is the best pedagogical tool that awakens and raises our cognitive abilities, very necessary for human development.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Damián Ponte Isaías Francisco , Benites Seguín Lucio Alfredo , Camizán García, Henry
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